College of Engineering & Computer Science

College of Engineering and Computer Science Dean Michael Georgiopoulos presents the college's 2014 Professional Achievement Award to Vinod Philip, '00. (PHOTO: Brandon Chestnut)
College of Engineering and Computer Science Dean Michael Georgiopoulos presents the college’s
2014 Professional Achievement Award to Vinod Philip, ’00.
(PHOTO: Brandon Chestnut)
Vinod Philip, ’00 | CEO (Generators Business Segment), Siemens Energy Inc.

Professional Achievement Award 2014

Vinod Philip traveled halfway across the globe from India, where he was born and raised, to pursue his studies at UCF. After making an impression on a visiting UCF professor, he was offered a graduate scholarship and went on to kickstart his career with a UCF-sponsored internship at Westinghouse. He’s currently the CEO of Siemens’ Generators Business Segment and serves on the College of Engineering and Computer Science Dean’s Advisory Board.

Learn more about Vinod:


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