UCF Alumni Book Club Hosts Facebook Q&A with Alumni Author A.S. McConnell ’08

“My biggest inspiration for writing is the desire to put down on paper the stories floating around in my mind. I’m inspired by experiences (good and bad) as well as people throughout my life (or those that affect people whose path I’ve crossed). I try to see the world through all types of lenses which leads me to different journeys that I convey through various characters.” – A.S. McConnell ’08
Last month, the UCF Alumni Book Club hosted its first Facebook Q&A with UCF alumna A.S. McConnell ’08, author of one of the book club’s March/April books, Second Chances. The Q&A opened on Sunday, April 18 and lasted through Saturday, April 24. Book club members had the opportunity throughout the week to ask the author questions about her book, writing, publishing, and her favorite UCF memories!
Q&A Sneak Peek:
Congratulations on publishing Second Chances! I thoroughly enjoyed it! What or who inspired you to become an author?
From a young age, I’ve always enjoyed writing and escaping to another world. I don’t think it was a who or what, but more the idea of making the pages and characters come to life was exciting.
I was curious if there were any of the characters in Second Chances that were based on real people in your life? Do you see pieces of yourself in Ava?
I wouldn’t say that any characters were based on real people per say; but there are a few character traits based on a mixture of people throughout my life as well as fictitious attributes. I’d like to think I have some of Ava’s characteristics, but the one I lean most toward is the loyalty and love for family.
What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your book?
The most surprising thing I learned about the book publishing/creation process was how long the editing took. From the various passes and numbering each line/row, it was a more in-depth journey that I had imagined. A positive from the experience was the ability to still maintain control of the storyline.
Is romance the genre you have always been drawn to writing about or might you want to dabble into other genres in the future?
I have always liked romance, but I’m also very drawn to suspense. The detective in me loves all the twists and turns a film or book can take you. Maybe a future book would be more in that vein!
What is your favorite UCF memory?
I’d have to say Spirit Splash! I loved the tradition of the event, being there with other students, and getting to do something only other UCF students have done. I couldn’t wait to partake.
Connect with A.S. McConnell on Facebook.

UCF Alumni Book Club
To read the full list of questions and answers, join the UCF Alumni Book Club Facebook Group!
Once a semester, the book club chooses a book written by an alumni author to read and discuss. The group recently wrapped up discussions for Second Chances by A.S. McConnell ’08 and Bosses of Light and Sound by Nickalus Rupert ‘15MFA. The next book will be announced May 10.
A list of alumni authors and past books the book club has read can be found on the UCF Alumni Book Club website.